AAAC All Aluminum Alloy Conductor

Basic design to BS 3242 / BS EN 50182 / IEC 61089 / ASTM B 399/B 399M / DIN 48201-6/NFC 34-125 standards


AAAC is mainly used as bare overhead transmission cable and as primary and secondary distribution cable. It is also suitable for laying across basins, rivers and valleys where special geographical teatures exist.


Basic design to BS 3242 / BS EN 50182 / IEC 61089 / ASTM B 399/B 399M / DIN 48201-6/NFC 34-125 standards


AAAC cable bvconsists of aluminum alloy wires. The aluminum alloy wires are concentrically stranded.
This section deals with heat-treatable magnesium silicon type aluminium alloys to the applicable International Standard, the electrical and mechanical properties of which all fall within the values suggested by relevant standard.
Conductors to all other recognized specifications can also be supplied. The alloys referred to have higher strength but lower conductivity than pure aluminium.
Being lighter, alloy conductors can sometimes be used to advantage in place of the more conventional ACSR; Having lower breaking loads than the later, their use becomes particularly favourable when ice and wind loadings are low.

Electrical Properties

Density@20oC 2.70 kg/dm
Temperature Coefficient@20°C 0.00360 (°C)
Resistivity@20°C 0.0326 Ohms mm^2/m
Linear Expansivity 23 x10-6(°C)

Service Conditions

Ambient Temperature -5°C - 50°C
Wind Pressure 80 – 130kg/m^2
Seismic Acceleration 0.12 - 0.05g
Isokeraunic Level 10 – 18
Relative Humidity 5 – 100%

Technical Data

Code AL Nominal Area Maximum Resistance DC at 20o Current Rating
Temperate Tropical
  mm^2 Ω / km Ω / 1000ft Amp Amp
- - 2.87 0.873 90 73
Box - 1.79 0.544 121 98
Acacia - 1.4 0.426 140 114
Almond 25 1.11 0.339 162 131
Ceda 30 0.944 0.288 180 145
- 40 0.794 0.242 200 162
Fir 50 0.7 0.213 217 175
Hazel 100 0.559 0.17 250 201
Pine - 0.467 0.142 279 224
- - 0.398 0.121 309 247
Willow 150 0.373 0.114 322 258
- 175 0.347 0.106 337 270
- 300 0.308 0.0938 343 290
Oak - 0.282 0.0859 384 307
- - 0.282 0.086 385 307
Mulberry - 0.222 0.0676 448 356
Ash - 0.185 0.0565 501 398
- 0.159 0.048 553 438
Poplar - 0.14 0.0427 598 473
- - 0.124 0.0337 647 511
Sycamore - 0.111 0.0377 694 547
Upas - 0.0925 0.0282 776 610
- - 0.0794 0.0242 854 669
Yew - 0.0698 0.0213 925 723

Construction Parameters

BS 3242

Code AL Nominal Area Cu Nominal Area Equivalent Total Area Stranding Overall Diameter Weight
  mm^2 mm^2 mm^2 No.×mm mm kg/km
- - 6.45 11.7 7/1.47 4.41 32.2
Box - 9.68 18.8 7/1.85 5.55 51.7
Acacia - 12.9 21.9 7/2.08 6.24 66.1
Almond 25 16.1 30.1 7/2.34 7.02 82.9
Ceda 30 19.4 35.5 7/2.54 7.62 97.8
- 40 22.6 42.2 7/2.77 8.31 116.4
Fir 50 25.8 47.8 7/2.95 8.85 131.8
Hazel 100 32.3 59.9 7/3.30 9.9 165
Pine - 38.7 71.7 7/3.61 10.83 197.7
- - 45.2 84.1 7/3.91 11.73 231.6
Willow 150 48.4 89.8 7/4.04 12.12 247.5
- 175 51.6 96.5 7/4.19 12.57 266.2
- 300 58.1 108.8 7/4.45 13.35 299.8
Oak - 64.5 118.9 7/4.65 13.95 327.8
- - 80.6 118.8 19/2.82 14.1 327.6
Mulberry - 96.8 151.1 19/3.18 15.9 416.7
Ash - 113 180.7 19/3.48 17.4 498.1
Elm - 129 211 19/3.76 18.8 582.1
Poplar - 145 239 37/2.87 20.09 658.8
- - 161 270.8 37/3.05 21.35 746.7
Sycamore - 194 303 37/3.23 22.61 834.9
Upas - 226 362.1 37/3.53 24.71 998.6
- - 258 421.8 37/3.81 26.47 1163
Yew - - 479.9 37/4.06 28.42 1323
(*) Note: The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50° C & conductor temperature of 80°C.

BS EN 50182

Code Stranding Nominal Area Overall Diameter Weight Rated Strength Electrical Resistance Current Rating*
  No.×mm mm^2 mm kg/km KN Ω/Km A
Box 7/1.85 18.8 5.55 51.4 5.55 1.748 87
Acacia 7/2.08 23.8 6.24 64.9 7.02 1.3828 101
Almond 7/2.34 30.1 7.02 82.2 8.88 1.0926 116
Cedar 7/2.54 35.5 7.62 96.8 10.46 0.9273 129
Deodar 7/2.77 42.2 8.31 115.2 12.44 0.7797 143
Fir 7/2.95 47.8 8.85 130.6 14.11 0.6875 155
Hazel 7/3.30 59.9 9.9 163.4 17.66 0.5494 178
Pine 7/3.61 71.6 10.83 195.6 21.14 0.4591 199
Holly 7/3.91 84.1 11.73 229.5 24.79 0.3913 219
Willow 7/4.04 89.7 12.12 245 26.47 0.3665 228
Oak 7/4.65 118.9 13.95 324.5 35.07 0.2767 272
Mulberry 19/3.18 150.9 15.9 414.3 44.52 0.2192 314
Ash 19/3.48 180.7 17.4 496.1 53.31 0.183 351
Elm 19/3.76 211 18.8 579.2 62.24 0.1568 386
Poplar 37/2.87 239.4 20.09 659.4 70.61 0.1387 416
Sycamore 37/3.23 303.2 22.61 835.2 89.4 0.1095 480
Upas 37/3.53 362.1 24.71 997.5 106.82 0.0917 535
Yew 37/4.06 479 28.42 1319.6 141.31 0.0693 633
Totara 37/4.14 498.1 28.98 1372.1 146.93 0.0666 648
Rubus 61/3.50 586.9 31.5 1622 173.13 0.0567 714
Sorbus 61/3.71 659.4 33.39 1822.5 194.53 0.0505 764
Araucaria 61/4.14 821.1 37.26 2269.4 242.24 0.0406 868
Redwood 61/4.56 996.2 41.04 2753.2 293.88 0.0334 970
Note: *The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50° C & conductor temperature of 80°C.

IEC 61089

Code Nominal Area Stranding Overall Diameter Weight Rated Strength Electrical Resistance Current Rating*
  mm^2 No.×mm mm kg/km KN Ω/Km A
16 18.4 18.4 5.49 50.4 5.43 1.7896 86
25 28.8 28.8 6.87 78.7 8.49 1.1453 113
40 46 46 8.67 125.9 13.58 0.7158 151
63 72.5 72.5 10.89 198.3 21.39 0.4545 200
100 115 115 13.9 316.3 33.95 0.2877 266
125 144 144 15.5 395.4 42.44 0.2302 305
160 184 184 17.55 506.1 54.32 0.1798 355
200 230 230 19.65 632.7 67.91 0.1439 407
250 288 288 21.95 790.8 84.88 0.1151 466
315 363 363 24.71 998.9 106.95 0.0916 535
400 460 460 27.86 1268.4 135.81 0.0721 618
450 518 518 29.54 1426.9 152.79 0.0641 663
500 575 575 31.15 1585.5 169.76 0.0577 706
560 645 645 33.03 1778.4 190.14 0.0516 755
630 725 725 35.01 2000.7 213.9 0.0458 809
710 817 817 37.17 2254.8 241.07 0.0407 866
800 921 921 39.42 2540.6 271.62 0.0361 928
900* 1036 1036 41.91 2861.1 305.58 0.0321 992
1000* 1151 1151 44.11 3179 339.53 0.0289 1051
1120* 1289 1289 46.75 3560.5 380.27 0.0258 1118
1250* 1439 1439 49.39 3973.7 424.41 0.0231 1185
(*) Note: The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50° C & conductor temperature of 80°C.

ASTM B 399/B 399M

Nominal Area Stranding Overall Diameter Weight Rated Strength Electrical Resistance Current Rating*
AWG&MCM mm^2 No.×mm mm kg/km KN Ω/Km A
6 13.2 7/1.55 4.65 36.2 4.18 2.5361 69
4 21.1 7/1.96 5.88 57.9 6.69 1.586 93
2 33.5 7/2.47 7.41 92 10.6 0.9987 123
0 53.5 7/3.12 9.36 146.8 17 0.62592 165
2/0 67.3 7/3.50 10.5 184.8 20.4 0.49738 190
3/0 84.9 7/3.93 11.79 233 25.7 0.3945 219
4/0 107 7/4.42 13.26 294.7 32.5 0.31188 253
250 126 19/2.91 14.55 346.7 38.8 0.26509 280
300 152 19/3.19 15.95 416.7 46.6 0.22059 313
350 178 19/3.45 17.25 487.3 52 0.1886 345
400 203 19/3.69 18.45 557.5 59.5 0.16486 375
450 228 19/3.91 19.55 626 66.8 0.14683 402
500 253 19/4.12 20.6 695 74.2 0.13224 429
550 279 37/3.10 21.7 766.2 83.9 0.11995 455
600 303 37/3.23 22.61 831.9 91 0.11049 478
650 330 37/3.37 23.59 905.5 94.9 0.1015 504
700 354 37/3.49 24.43 971.2 101 0.09464 525
750 381 37/3.62 25.34 1045 109 0.08796 549
800 404 37/3.73 26.11 1109 116 0.08285 569
900 456 37/3.96 27.72 1250 131 0.07351 612
1000 508 37/4.18 29.26 1393 146 0.06597 653
1250 631 61/3.63 32.67 1732 179 0.05306 743
1500 759 61/3.98 35.82 2082 215 0.04414 827
1750 886 61/4.30 38.7 2431 251 0.03781 904
(*) Note: The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50° C & conductor temperature of 80°C.

DIN 48201 Part 6

Nominal Area Stranding Overall Diameter Weight Rated Strength Electrical Resistance Current Rating*
Nominal Teorical
mm^2 mm^2 No.×mm mm kg/km KN Ω/Km A
16 15.89 7/1.70 5.1 43 4.44 2.0742 78
25 24.25 7/2.10 6.3 66 6.77 1.3593 102
35 34.36 7/2.50 7.5 94 9.6 0.9591 126
50 49.48 7/3.00 9 135 13.82 0.666 158
50 48.35 19/1.80 9 133 13.5 0.6849 156
70 65.81 19/2.10 10.5 181 18.38 0.5032 189
95 93.27 19/2.50 12.5 256 26.05 0.3551 234
120 116.99 19/2.80 14 322 32.68 0.2831 269
150 147.11 37/2.25 15.8 406 41.09 0.2256 309
185 181.62 37/2.50 17.5 500 50.73 0.1828 352
240 242.54 61/2.25 20.3 670 67.74 0.1371 420
300 299.43 61/2.50 22.5 827 83.63 0.111 477
400 400.14 61/2.89 26 1104 111.76 0.0831 568
500 499.83 61/3.23 29.1 1379 139.6 0.0665 649
625* 626.2 91/2.96 32.6 1732 174.9 0.0531 742
800* 802.09 91/3.35 36.9 2218 224.02 0.0415 857
1000* 999.71 91/3.74 41.1 2767 279.22 0.0333 971
* The items marked with “*” are not in our current product range and the details are for information only.
(*) Note: The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50° C & conductor temperature of 80°C.

NFC 34-125

Nominal area No of wires & wire diameter Actual Area Overall diameter Weight Ungreased Grease weight Calculated breaking load Max. d.c. resistance @20°C
mm2 mm mm2 mm kg/km kg/km kN Ohm/km
22 7/2.0 21.99 6 60 0.6 7.08 1.497
34.4 7/2.5 34.36 7.5 94 1 11.07 0.958
54.6 7/3.15 54.55 9.45 149 1.5 17.57 0.6034
75.6 19/2.25 75.54 11.25 208 5.1 24.33 0.4379
117 19/2.8 117 14 322 7.9 37.68 0.2827
148 19/3.15 148.1 15.75 407 10 47.7 0.2234
181.6 37/2.5 181.6 17.5 500 19 58.48 0.1825
228 37/2.8 227.8 19.6 627 24 73.36 0.1455
288 37/3.15 288.3 22.05 794 30 92.85 0.115
366 37/3.55 366.2 24.85 1009 38 117.9 0.09053
570 61/3.45 570.2 31.05 1574 72 183.6 0.05827

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Add: Technology Building, Tongbai Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.
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