​​​​​​​ACS Aluminum Clad Steel Wires

Application The aluminum clad steel wire is widely used in long-span transmission line, coastal areas and island as well as other hot and humid regions, salt fo
The aluminum clad steel wire is widely used in long-span transmission line, coastal areas and island as well as other hot and humid regions, salt fog regions and heavily polluted regions where the high corrosion resistance strand is needed.
It is used as the core of ACSR/AW, overhead ground conductor, extra high voltage overhead conductor, optical fiber composite overhead ground line, self-damping conductor line, bare overhead conductor, OPGW, ground wire, messenger wire, guy wire formed wire for protecting, terminating and splicing transmission and distribution lines, fence, barber wire and hardware, etc.

APAR's Aluminum-clad Steel wire meets or exceeds the following specifications:
IEC 61232, ASTM B415, ASTM B502, AS 3607 and other International Standards.
However, can also supply a range of alternative designs with customized solutions to meet customer requirements.
AW : Aluminum-clad steel wire as per ASTM B 502 Standard.
AS : Aluminum-clad steel wire as per IEC 61232 Standard.
AC : Aluminum-clad steel wire as per AS 3607 Standard.
Aluminum-clad steel wire, commonly abbreviated as AW or AS or AC, is an electrical conductor composed of an inner steel core and outer Aluminum cladding. Aluminum clad steel wire is a bimetallic in which aluminum covers on the steel core continuously and evenly.
Aluminum-clad steel wire is superior to galvanized or aluminized steel in every way.
Better corrosion resistance due to thick EC-grade aluminum covering
Wider range of combinations of tensile strength and conductivity
Lighter weight
Excellent thermal stability
Wider variety of products, with broad range of properties, quality, and size of steel wire and aluminum cladding.
Compared with ordinary aluminum conductor steel reinforced, the conductor weight is 5% lighter, current-carrying capacity is 2-3% higher and power loss decreases 4-6%. Thus, the service life is long and it adds none erection cost.
Classification of Aluminum Clad Steel wires
Class 14% IACS 20.3% IACS-A 20.3% IACS-B 23% IACS 27% IACS 30% IACS 35% IACS 40% IACS
Sectional Ratio of Al (%) 13 25 25 30 37 43 52 62
Sectional Ratio of St (%) 87 75 75 70 63 57 48 38
Weight Ratio of AL (%) 5 10.4 10.4 12.9 16.9 20.7 27.3 36.1
Weight Ratio of ST (%) 95 89.6 89.6 87.1 83.1 79.3 72.7 63.9
Physical Constants
Class 14% IACS 20.3% IACS-A 20.3% IACS-B 23% IACS 27% IACS 30% IACS 35% IACS 40% IACS
Nominal Density at 20°C (g/cm3
7.14 6.59 6.59 6.27 5.91 5.61 5.15 4.64
Final Modulus of Elasticity (Gpa) 170 162 155 149 140 132 122 109
Coefficient of Linear Exp. (per °C) 12 x 10^(-6) 13 x 10^(-6) 12.6x 10^(-6) 12.9x 10^(-6) 13.4x 10^(-6) 13.8x 10^(-6) 14.5x 10^(-6) 15.5x 10^(-6)
Temperature coefficient (per °C) % 0.0034 0.0036 0.0036 0.0036 0.0036 0.0038 0.0039 0.004
Elongation at Fracture on 250mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Specifications for Aluminum Clad Steel Wires (Before Stranding)
Class Type Nominal Diameter (mm) Min Tensile Strength (MPa) Min stress at 1 % elongation (MPa) Max. Resistivity at Over 20°C (nΩ∙m)
Over Upto & Including
14%1ACS A 1.24 3.00 1590 1410 123.15
3.00 3.50 1550 1380
3.50 4.75 1520 1340
4.75 5.50 1400 1200
B 2.10 4.00 1770 1550
1.24 3.25 1340 1200 84.80
3.25 3.45 1310 1180
3.45 3.65 1270 1140
3.65 3.95 1250 1100
3.95 4.10 1210 1100
4.10 4.40 1180 1070
4.40 4.60 1140 1030
4.60 4.75 1100 1000
4.75 5.50 1070 1000
B 1.24 5.50 1320 1100
23%1ACS - 2.50 5.00 1220 980 74.96
27%1ACS - 2.50 5.00 1080 800 63.86
30%1ACS A 2.50 5.00 880 650 57.47
35%1ACS B 2.50 5.00 810 590 49.26
B 2.50 5.00 880 650680
40%1ACS A 2.50 5.00 680 500 43.10
  2.50 5.00 750 550

Size AWG Diameter Tensile Strength Cross section D C Resistance at 20°C Nominal Weight Minimum Thickness of Aluminum Cladding
in. mm ksi N/mm² in² mm² Ω/km lb/1000 ft Kg/km in. mm
4.0 0.204 5.189 155 1070 0.03278 21.149 4.010 93.67 139.37 0.01022 0.259
0.188 4.775 160 1100 0.02776 17.909 4.735 79.32 118.02 0.00940 0.239
5.0 0.182 4.620 165 1140 0.02599 16.766 5.058 74.25 110.49 0.00910 0.231
0.173 4.392 170 1170 0.02348 15.148 5.598 67.09 99.82 0.00865 0.220
6.0 0.162 4.115 175 1210 0.02061 13.298 6.377 58.89 87.63 0.00810 0.206
0.155 3.934 180 1240 0.01884 12.158 6.975 53.84 80.12 0.00775 0.197
7.0 0.144 3.665 185 1280 0.01635 10.551 8.037 46.73 69.53 0.00722 0.183
0.137 3.477 190 1310 0.01472 9.497 8.930 42.06 62.58 0.00685 0.174
8.0 0.129 3.264 195 1340 0.01297 8.367 10.135 37.06 55.14 0.00643 0.163
9.0 0.114 2.906 195 1340 0.01028 6.631 12.787 29.37 43.70 0.00572 0.145
10.0 0.102 2.588 195 1340 0.00816 5.261 16.117 23.30 34.67 0.00510 0.129
11.0 0.091 2.304 195 1340 0.00646 4.168 20.343 18.46 27.47 0.00454 0.115
12.0 0.081 2.052 195 1340 0.00513 3.308 25.634 14.65 21.80 0.00404 0.103
4.0 0.204 5.189 125 862 0.03278 21.149 3.019 84.00 124.99 0.01430 0.363
0.188 4.775 129 889 0.02776 17.909 3.566 71.13 105.84 0.01316 0.334
5.0 0.182 4.620 133 917 0.02599 16.766 3.809 66.59 99.09 0.01273 0.323
0.173 4.392 137 945 0.02348 15.148 4.216 60.16 89.52 0.01210 0.307
6.0 0.162 4.115 141 972 0.02061 13.298 4.802 52.82 78.59 0.01134 0.288
0.155 3.934 145 1000 0.01884 12.158 5.252 48.29 71.85 0.01084 0.275
7.0 0.144 3.665 150 1034 0.01635 10.551 6.052 41.91 62.36 0.01010 0.257
0.137 3.477 154 1062 0.01472 9.497 6.724 37.72 56.12 0.00958 0.243
8.0 0.129 3.264 156 1076 0.01297 8.367 7.632 33.23 49.45 0.00900 0.228
9.0 0.114 2.906 156 1076 0.01028 6.631 9.629 26.34 39.19 0.00801 0.203
10.0 0.102 2.588 156 1076 0.00816 5.261 12.136 20.90 31.10 0.00713 0.181
11.0 0.091 2.304 156 1076 0.00646 4.168 15.319 16.56 24.64 0.00635 0.161
12.0 0.081 2.052 156 1076 0.00513 3.308 19.303 13.14 19.55 0.00566 0.144
4.0 0.204 5.189 102 703 0.03278 21.149 2.717 79.74 118.65 0.01532 0.389
0.188 4.775 106 731 0.02776 17.909 3.209 67.52 100.47 0.01410 0.358
5.0 0.182 4.620 110 758 0.02599 16.766 3.428 63.21 94.06 0.01364 0.347
0.173 4.392 114 786 0.02348 15.148 3.794 57.11 84.98 0.01297 0.329
6.0 0.162 4.115 114 786 0.02061 13.298 4.322 50.14 74.60 0.01215 0.309
0.155 3.934 118 814 0.01884 12.158 4.727 45.84 68.21 0.01162 0.295
7.0 0.144 3.665 122 841 0.01635 10.551 5.447 39.78 59.19 0.01082 0.275
0.137 3.477 126 869 0.01472 9.497 6.052 35.80 53.28 0.01027 0.261
8.0 0.129 3.264 128 883 0.01297 8.367 6.869 31.54 46.94 0.00964 0.245
9.0 0.114 2.906 128 883 0.01028 6.631 8.666 25.00 37.20 0.00858 0.218
10.0 0.102 2.588 128 883 0.00816 5.261 10.923 19.84 29.52 0.00764 0.194
11.0 0.091 2.304 128 883 0.00646 4.168 13.787 15.72 23.38 0.00680 0.173
12.0 0.081 2.052 128 883 0.00513 3.308 17.372 12.47 18.56 0.00606 0.154
4.0 0.204 5.189 80 552 0.03278 21.149 2.038 65.95 98.13 0.02554 0.649
0.188 4.775 84 579 0.02776 17.909 2.407 55.85 83.10 0.02350 0.597
5.0 0.182 4.620 88 607 0.02599 16.766 2.571 52.28 77.79 0.02274 0.578
0.173 4.392 92 634 0.02348 15.148 2.845 47.23 70.29 0.02161 0.549
6.0 0.162 4.115 96 662 0.02061 13.298 3.241 41.47 61.70 0.02025 0.514
0.155 3.934 96 662 0.01884 12.158 3.545 37.91 56.41 0.01936 0.492
7.0 0.144 3.665 98 676 0.01635 10.551 4.085 32.90 48.96 0.01804 0.458
0.137 3.477 98 676 0.01472 9.497 4.539 29.61 44.06 0.01711 0.435
8.0 0.129 3.264 99.5 686 0.01297 8.367 5.152 26.09 38.82 0.01606 0.408
9.0 0.114 2.906 99.5 686 0.01028 6.631 6.500 20.68 30.77 0.01430 0.363
10.0 0.102 2.588 99.5 686 0.00816 5.261 8.192 16.41 24.41 0.01274 0.324
11.0 0.091 2.304 99.5 686 0.00646 4.168 10.340 13.00 19.34 0.01134 0.288
12.0 0.081 2.052 99.5 686 0.00513 3.308 13.029 10.32 15.35 0.01010 0.257
Diameter Tensile Strength Stress at 1% Extension Resistivity Density
in. mm ksi N/mm² ksi N/mm² Ω.Cmil/ft n.Ωm lb/in3 g/cm3
0.0770 ~ 0.1289 1.956 ~ 3.274 195 1344 175 1206 51.01 84.8 0.2381 6.59
0.1290 ~ 0.1369 3.275 ~ 3.477 190 1310 170 1172
0.1370 ~ 0.1443 3.478 ~ 3.665 185 1275 165 1137
0.1444 ~ 0.1549 3.666 ~ 3.934 180 1241 160 1103
0.1550 ~ 0.1620 3.935 ~ 4.115 175 1206 160 1103
0.1621 ~ 0.1729 4.116 ~ 4.392 170 1172 155 1068
0.1730 ~ 0.1819 4.393 ~ 4.620 165 1137 150 1034
0.1820 ~ 0.1880 4.621 ~ 4.775 160 1103 145 1000
Coefficient of linear expansion : 12.6 x 10^-6 /°C Temperature coefficient of Resistance: 0.0036/°C
Modulus of Elasticity : 23500 Ksi (162000 MPa) Minimum Aluminum Thickness : 10% of nominal wire radius
Diameter (mm) Tensile Strength Cross section D C Resistance at 20°C Nominal Weight Minimum Thickness of Aluminum Cladding
Std Max Min N/mm² KN mm² Ω/km Kg/km in mm
1.600 1.640 1.560 1340 2.69 2.011 42.28 13.25 0.080
1.750 1.790 1.710 1340 3.22 2.405 35.34 15.85 0.088
2.250 2.290 2.210 1340 5.33 3.976 21.38 26.20 0.113
2.500 2.540 2.460 1340 6.58 4.909 17.32 32.35 0.125
2.750 2.791 2.709 1340 7.96 5.940 14.31 39.14 0.138
3.000 3.045 2.955 1340 9.47 7.069 12.03 46.58 0.150
3.250 3.299 3.201 1340 11.12 8.296 10.25 54.67 0.163
3.500 3.553 3.448 1310 12.60 9.621 8.83 63.40 0.175
3.750 3.806 3.694 1270 14.03 11.045 7.70 72.78 0.188
Coefficient of linear expansion : 12.9 x 10^-6 /°C /°C Temperature coefficient of Resistance: 0.0036/°C
Modulus of Elasticity : 23500 Ksi (162000 MPa) Minimum Aluminum Thickness : 10% of nominal wire radius

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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