ANSI MC 96.1 FEP Insulated & Jacketed Thermocouple Cable

FEP Insulated & Jacketed Thermocouple CableProduct Description Solid or stranded thermocouple alloy wires calibrated per ANSI MC 96.1 Extruded FEP insulation &
FEP Insulated & Jacketed Thermocouple Cable
Product Description
Solid or stranded thermocouple alloy wires calibrated per ANSI MC 96.1
Extruded FEP insulation & jacket are impervious to chemicals, acids, fuels, solvents, and water
FDA Recognized as Food/Medical Grade (can be sterlized)
Many other constructions available: Parallel Pair/ Twisted Pair/Multi-pair, Unshielde/shielde
Conductors color coded per ANSI MC 96.1
International color codes available
Temperature Rating
-200º to 200ºC
Limits of Error
Guaranteed conformance to ASTM E230 and ANSI MC 96.1
Tighter tolerances than industry standards on alloy selection guarantee high system accuracy
Calibration Temperature Range Standard Limits of Error Special Limits of Error*
BX (Cu vs. Cu) 0º to 100ºC +/- 4.2ºC NA
BX (PCLW vs. Cu) 0º to 200ºC +/- 3.7ºC NA
E 0º to 870ºC +/- 1.7ºC or 0.5% +/- 1.0ºC or 0.4%
EX 0º to 200ºC +/- 1.7ºC +/- 1.0ºC
J 0º to 760ºC +/- 2.2ºC or 0.75% +/- 1.1ºC or 0.4%
K or N 0º to 1260ºC +/- 2.2ºC or 0.75% +/- 1.1ºC or 0.4%
KX or NX 0º to 200ºC +/- 2.2ºC +/-1.1ºC
RX or SX 0º to 200ºC +/- 5.0ºC NA
T 0º to 370ºC +/- 1.0ºC or 0.75% +/- 0.5ºC to 0.4%
TX 0º to 100ºC +/- 1.0ºC +/- 0.5ºC
*When specifying special limits of error, use double ANSI letter designation, i.e. KK, JJX, etc.

RoHS Compliant
Parallel Pair Thermocouple Cable - Unshielded, FEP Insulated & Jacketed
Temperature Rating
-80º to 200ºC

Metal and Glass Foundries, Mills or Refractories
Food & Beverage Plants
Clean Room Environments 

Twisted Pair TC Cable - Unshielded, FEP Insulated & Un-jacketed
Temperature Sensors
FDA Approved Applications

Twisted Pair Thermocouple Cable - Shielded, FEP Insulated & Jacketed
Temperature Sensors
FDA Approved Applications                               

Multi-pair Thermocouple Extension Cable (300V)- Overall Shield, FEP Insulated & Jacketed
New Plant Constructions
Utilities and Industrial Plants
Petrochemical Plants
Testing Rig set up
Thermocouple Circuits
Agricultural Industry
FDA Approved Applications
Suitable for 300 Volt Applications                      

Multi-pair Thermocouple Extension Cable (300V) - Individual & O/A Shield, FEP Insulated & Jacketed
New Plant Constructions
Utilities and Industrial Plants
Petrochemical Plants
Testing Rig set up
Thermocouple Circuits                                       
Agricultural Industry
FDA Approved Applications
Suitable for 300 Volt Applications


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Contact online customer service
Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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